Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Various Monitoring Categories
- Infrastructure Monitoring
- System Metrics:
- Kubernetes Metrics:
- Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Usage
- Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Usage
- Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Usage
- Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Usage
- Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Usage
- Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Requests
- Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Requests
- Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Requests
- Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Requests
- Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Requests
- Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Limits
- Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Limits
- Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Limits
- Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Limits
- Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Limits
- Kubernetes Resource Capacity
- Kubernetes CPU and Memory Request Commitment (Resource Requests vs Capacity)
- Kubernetes CPU and Memory Limit Commitment (Resource Limits vs Capacity)
- Kubernetes Resource Utilization (Resource Usage vs Capacity)
- Kubernetes Resource Saturation
- Kube-State-Metrics Kubernetes Manifest
- Node-Exporter Metrics Kubernetes Manifest
- Application Performance Monitoring
- Conclusion
Monitoring is the most critical aspect of infrastructure operations. Effective monitoring strategies help optimize infrastructure usage, improve planning, and resolve incidents quickly.
While monitoring preceded DevOps, DevOps has further transformed the software development process to the extent that monitoring also has to evolve. The overall pace of software development has increased with DevOps, and teams are now automating integration testing and deploying software in the cloud with quick timelines and continuous delivery.
With DevOps, there’s more to monitor, from integration, provisioning, and deployment. Teams need to use DevOps monitoring strategies to monitor different aspects of the project effectively.
MetricFire specializes in monitoring systems, and our product requires minimal configuration to gain in-depth insight into your environment. If you want to learn more about it, please book a demo with us or sign up for the free trial today.
Today, we will learn some essential monitoring strategies and concepts to help you better understand your infra and applications.
To get started, sign up for a free MetricFire trial. Then, to quickly begin monitoring Kubernetes clusters, check out our tutorial on using the Telegraf agent as a Daemonset to forward node/pod metrics to a data source and use that data to create custom dashboards and alerts.
Various Monitoring Categories
Determining what you should monitor in your applications. Monitoring targets can be divided into several primary categories, and you will likely want to cover at least one aspect of each category.
These categories include:
- Server Health
- Application log output
- Vulnerabilities
- Development milestones
- User Activity
Infrastructure Monitoring
It is a vital component of any application monitoring. It includes all the server metrics, and with containers coming into the picture, it should also include all the container-specific metrics. Some important metrics are:
System Metrics:
- Availability
- CPU usage
- Disk usage
- Uptime
- Response time
- Databases
- Storage
- Components
- Virtual systems
- Performance
- User permissions
- Security
- Network switches
- Process level usage
- Throughput on the application
- Load of the servers
These metrics are pretty straightforward and have already been discussed extensively. Let’s explore some Kubernetes Metrics.
Kubernetes Metrics:
Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Usage
Containers are the building blocks of containerized applications. Container CPU usage refers to the amount of CPU resources consumed by containers in production. Memory usage measures the amount of memory resources consumed. CPU resources are measured in CPU cores, while memory is measured in bytes.
Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Usage
Pods are collections of containers, and as such, pod CPU usage is the sum of the CPU usage of all containers that belong to a pod. Similarly, pod memory usage is the total memory usage of all containers belonging to the pod.
Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Usage
Node CPU usage is the number of CPU cores used by all pods running on that node. Similarly, node memory usage is the total memory usage of all pods.
Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Usage
You can think of Kubernetes namespaces as boxes. DevOps can create separate boxes to isolate the resources belonging to individual applications or teams. Namespace resource usage is the sum of CPU or memory usage of all pods that belong to that namespace.
Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Usage
The sum of the CPU or memory usage of all pods running on nodes belonging to the cluster gives us the CPU or memory usage for the entire cluster.
Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Requests
Container resource requests are a soft limit on the amount of CPU or memory resources a container can consume in production.
Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Requests
The sum of CPU or memory requests of all containers belonging to a pod.
Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Requests
Node CPU requests are the sum of the CPU requests for all pods running on that node. Similarly, node memory requests are the sum of the memory requests of all pods.
Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Requests
The sum of CPU or memory requests of all pods belonging to a namespace.
Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Requests
Sum of CPU requests or memory requests for all pods running on nodes belonging to a cluster.
Kubernetes Container CPU and Memory Limits
Container CPU limits are a hard limit on the amount of CPU a container can consume in production. Memory limits are the maximum number of bytes a container can consume in production.
Kubernetes Pod CPU and Memory Limits
The sum of CPU or memory limits for all containers belonging to a pod.
Kubernetes Node CPU and Memory Limits
Node CPU limits are the sum of CPU limits for all pods on that specific node. On the other hand, Node memory limits are a sum of the memory limits of all pods.
Kubernetes Namespace CPU and Memory Limits
Sum of CPU or memory limits of all pods belonging to a namespace.
Kubernetes Cluster CPU and Memory Limits
Sum of CPU or memory limits for all pods running on nodes belonging to a cluster.
Kubernetes Resource Capacity
In cloud environments, Kubernetes nodes usually refer to cloud provider instances. Node CPU capacity is the total number of CPU cores on the node, and node memory capacity is the total number of bytes available on the node. For example, an N1-standard-1 instance has two vCPUs and 3.75 GB of memory.
Cluster CPU capacity is the sum of the CPU capacities of all Kubernetes nodes in the cluster. Cluster memory capacity is the sum of the memory capacities of all nodes in the cluster. For example, a cluster with 4 N1-standard-1 instances has 8vCPUs and 15 GB of memory.
Kubernetes CPU and Memory Request Commitment (Resource Requests vs Capacity)
CPU request commitment is the ratio of CPU requests for all pods running on a node to the total CPU available. In the same way, memory commitment is the ratio of pod memory requests to the total memory capacity of that node. We can also calculate cluster-level request commitment by comparing CPU/memory requests on a cluster level to total cluster capacity.
Request commitments give us an idea of how much of the node or cluster is committed regarding soft resource usage limits.
Kubernetes CPU and Memory Limit Commitment (Resource Limits vs Capacity)
CPU limit commitment is the ratio of CPU limits for all pods running on a node to the total CPU available. Similarly, memory commitment is the ratio of pod memory limits to the total memory capacity of that node. Cluster-level limit commitments can be calculated by comparing total CPU/memory limits to cluster capacity.
Limit commitments give us an idea of how much of the node or cluster is committed in terms of hard CPU and memory limits.
Kubernetes Resource Utilization (Resource Usage vs Capacity)
With the emphasis on pay-as-you-go billing models for cloud deployments, resource utilization is an important metric to monitor and has significant implications for cost control.
CPU utilization is the ratio of CPU resources consumed by all pods running on a node to the total CPU available. Memory utilization is the ratio of memory usage by all pods to the total memory capacity of that node.
Cluster resource utilization will compare resource usage (both CPU and memory) for all pods with the total resource capacity of all nodes.
Kubernetes Resource Saturation
Node CPU saturation measures CPU requests that cannot be fulfilled due to unavailability. Similarly, memory saturation on the node measures memory requests that cannot be met due to unavailability.
Saturation on the cluster level can be calculated based on saturation numbers across all nodes.
These metrics might seem overwhelming, but it is straightforward to scrape and monitor them with Prometheus. If you have a Prometheus <link prometheus-thanos blog here> instance running, all you need to do is:
- Deploy Kube-state-metrics for container and pod metrics. (manifest is given below)
- Deploy Node-exporter for system-level metrics. (manifest is given below)
Kube-State-Metrics Kubernetes Manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: monitoring
# kubernetes versions before 1.8.0 should use
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: kube-state-metrics
kind: ClusterRole
name: kube-state-metrics
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
# kubernetes versions before 1.8.0 should use
kind: ClusterRole
name: kube-state-metrics
- apiGroups: [""]
- configmaps
- secrets
- nodes
- pods
- services
- resourcequotas
- replicationcontrollers
- limitranges
- persistentvolumeclaims
- persistentvolumes
- namespaces
- endpoints
verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions"]
- daemonsets
- deployments
- replicasets
verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["apps"]
- statefulsets
verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["batch"]
- cronjobs
- jobs
verbs: ["list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: ["autoscaling"]
- horizontalpodautoscalers
verbs: ["list", "watch"]
# kubernetes versions before 1.8.0 should use
kind: RoleBinding
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
kind: Role
name: kube-state-metrics-resizer
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
# kubernetes versions before 1.8.0 should use
kind: Role
namespace: monitoring
name: kube-state-metrics-resizer
- apiGroups: [""]
- pods
verbs: ["get"]
- apiGroups: ["extensions"]
- deployments
resourceNames: ["kube-state-metrics"]
verbs: ["get", "update"]
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
k8s-app: kube-state-metrics
replicas: 1
k8s-app: kube-state-metrics
serviceAccountName: kube-state-metrics
- name: kube-state-metrics
- name: http-metrics
containerPort: 8080
- name: telemetry
containerPort: 8081
path: /healthz
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 5
- name: addon-resizer
cpu: 150m
memory: 50Mi
cpu: 150m
memory: 50Mi
- name: MY_POD_NAME
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- /pod_nanny
- --container=kube-state-metrics
- --cpu=100m
- --extra-cpu=1m
- --memory=100Mi
- --extra-memory=2Mi
- --threshold=5
- --deployment=kube-state-metrics
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kube-state-metrics
namespace: monitoring
k8s-app: kube-state-metrics
annotations: 'true'
- name: http-metrics
port: 8080
targetPort: http-metrics
protocol: TCP
- name: telemetry
port: 8081
targetPort: telemetry
protocol: TCP
k8s-app: kube-state-metrics
Node-Exporter Metrics Kubernetes Manifest
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
name: node-exporter
namespace: monitoring
name: node-exporter
name: node-exporter
annotations: "true" "9100"
hostPID: true
hostIPC: true
hostNetwork: true
- name: node-exporter
image: prom/node-exporter:v0.16.0
privileged: true
- --path.procfs=/host/proc
- --path.sysfs=/host/sys
- containerPort: 9100
protocol: TCP
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 10m
memory: 100Mi
- name: dev
mountPath: /host/dev
- name: proc
mountPath: /host/proc
- name: sys
mountPath: /host/sys
- name: rootfs
mountPath: /rootfs
- name: proc
path: /proc
- name: dev
path: /dev
- name: sys
path: /sys
- name: rootfs
path: /
Once you have deployed these, you can chart metrics on Grafana and get dashboards.

Application Performance Monitoring
Application performance monitoring involves searching, collecting, and centralizing logs, with tracing and profiling available on the application.
It also helps provide measurements on performance such as availability, error rate, throughput, user response time, slow pages, page loads, third-party JavaScript slowness, track SLAs, browser speed, and checks for end-user transactions.
While this list is not exhaustive, it should give you an idea of what your existing monitoring tools offer and what loopholes exist in your DevOps monitoring strategy.
This blog should provide insight into what metrics to monitor for in your ecosystem. Additionally, you can expose custom metrics, and Metricfire can help you scrape them and plot relevant dashboards. All in a few clicks :)
If you need help setting up these metrics, feel free to reach out to me through LinkedIn. Additionally, MetricFire can help you monitor your applications across various environments. Monitoring is essential for any application stack, and you can get started using MetricFire’s free trial.
Robust monitoring will help you meet your application's SLAs and ensure the operations and development teams' sound sleep. If you want to learn more about it, please book a demo with us.